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Exporters Network Mining
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Mining Australia
TRANSCO MFG Manufacture and repair down hole drilling tools for the Raisebore Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Mining and Oilfield Industries We don’t just sell you tools and say good luck! We assist in planning; we go to your site when there are problems we listen and discuss solutions. From the discussions mud maps and / or sketches we arrive at tentative solution. From solutions and ideas we design engineer and manufacture specialized tooling to suit the customer’s needs! Transco is recognised globally for its products and solutions in the HDD Mining Oil Gas and Industrial service sectors.
Mining United Arab Emirates
Emirates Global Aluminium (“EGA”) is a jointly-held equal-ownership company formed by Mubadala Development Company of Abu Dhabi and the Investment Corporation of Dubai by combining their respective aluminium industry interests. EGA’s core operating midstream assets are Dubai Aluminium (“DUBAL” also known as Jebel Ali Operations) and Emirates Aluminium (“EMAL” also known as Al Taweelah Operations) whose combined production capacity of 2.4 million tonnes per annum (“tpa”) places EGA among the top five primary aluminium producers in the world. EGA also owns Guinea Alumina Corporation (“GAC”) a strategic bauxite mine and alumina refinery development project in West Africa; and is currently developing an alumina refinery in the UAE - the country's first such installation. In addition EGA has plans for significant local growth and international expansion. EGA's Jebel Ali Operations in Dubai comprises a 1 million tpa smelter a 2 350 MW power station a large carbon plant extensive casting operations (more than 1.2 million tpa) a water desalination plant dock and other facilities. EGA's Al Taweelah Operations in Abu Dhabi comprises a 1.3 million tpa smelter a 3 100 MW power station a large carbon plant extensive casting operations (more than 1.8 million tpa) a water desalination plant dock and other facilities. EGA's product portfolio comprises high quality primary aluminium products in three main categories: high purity and foundry re-melt products (for electronics and aerospace and automotive applications respectively); rolled products (for packaging lithographic sheets and the automotive industry); and billets for extrusion and forging (for construction industrial transportation and automotive purposes). Busbars and anode bars are also made for the electrolytic process used to produce primary aluminium from alumina ore. Over 300 customers are served in at least 60 countries predominantly in Asia Europe the MENA region and the Americas.
Mining Spain
MIMECRISA perteneciente al Grupo Ecrimesa es una de las empresas líderes mundiales en el desarrollo y aplicación de la tecnología MIM (Metal Injection Moulding). Mimecrisa inició su actividad en el año 1.991 y desde esa fecha ha resuelto más de 100 referencias por año de actividad cuenta con clientes en 22 países del mundo desarrollado destinando más del 60 % de su producción a la industria de la automoción. Su capacidad productiva supera la 200 Tn/ año contando a su vez con un departamento de I+D+i con un grupo de responsables técnicos altamente cualificados así como los medios tecnológicos necesarios para su labor.
Mining Peru
Nacimos y nos desarrollamos creyendo y apostando por el Perú. Somos una empresa modelo con capital y personal íntegramente peruano comprometida con el país que ha logrado introducir al Perú en el siglo XXI del acero liderando un sector altamente competitivo con la satisfacción de haber conseguido una fórmula calidad-precio-servicio acorde con los niveles más altos de exigencia del mercado internacional. Nuestro desarrollo y crecimiento están basados en una clara visión empresarial valores capital humano innovación tecnológica calidad total preocupación por el cuidado del medio ambiente y aporte a la comunidad. Nuestra contribución va más allá de ser simplemente un productor local de acero para convertirnos en un importante representante de la actividad económica del país que ha demostrado ser capaz de desarrollar una empresa que crece agrega valor y desarrolla a todos sus vinculados: accionistas personas clientes proveedores y comunidad.
Mining India
We are leading manufacturer of Brass Ingots Brass Rods Brass Spindles and Brass Inserts(CPVC/PPR) Pipe fittings. We have in house extrusion plant and so all products are manufactured from extrusion quality.
Mining Australia
For 25+ years QCC Resources has delivered over 3 000 projects including the design engineering operation and optimisation of coal preparation plants throughout Australia New Zealand Asia Africa North American and Europe. A fully owned company of Downer QCC Resources and Downer are recognised as well established providers of Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (CHPP) design and construction services to the coal industry. Recent major projects include: Xstrata’s Mangoola and Ravensworth North CHPP projects; Wesfarmers Curragh Washery Expansion; and Anglocoal’s Drayton CTU Upgrade. Internationally QCC Resources has completed the design work on the Stockton CPP project for Solid Energy in New Zealand Xiangshui CPP for KSS in China and the Goedgevonden CPP for Xstrata in South Africa. QCC Resources teams bring a depth of knowledge and expertise to projects which is highly valued by customers. Teams can work in a standalone capacity or within a broader team to develop strategies and designs optimise financial returns and maintain efficient operations for customer projects. Downer is a leading provider of services to customers in markets including: Transport Services; Technology and Communications Services; Utilities Services; Engineering Construction and Maintenance (EC&M); Mining; and Rail. For more information visit
Mining India
A renowned and trusted name in the Indian Steel Industry the company was started as Kapil Agencies in the year 1961. Over the last five decades it has grown to emerge as Kapil Group of Companies today with expertise in Steel Service and allied sectors of Steel Industry. The Group has been witnessing exponential growth since inception and has crossed Rs. 5000 million turnover in 2010-11. With its in-depth knowledge in steel trading and services the Group enjoys unstinted support and patronage from its clients of diverse industries such as Construction Engineering Infrastructure Power Oil Gas etc. Quality products and customer satisfaction have always remained the corner stones of the Group’s growth philosophy with focus on timely and qualitative response to the changing market conditions customer demands and technological up-gradation. Group Companies: Kapil Agencies Kapil Metal Processing Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Mining United States
Resolution Copper Mining is expected to become North America’s largest copper producer creating opportunity locally in Arizona’s Pioneer Mining District regionally and state wide. Our world-class mine will help secure Arizona’s future by providing outstanding economic benefits. Over the life of the mine we are expecting to create more than 3 700 direct and indirect jobs; generate $20 billion in federal state county and local tax revenues; and deliver an estimated $61.4 billion in economic value. Resolution Copper Mining is a limited liability company owned 55 percent by Resolution Copper Company (a Rio Tinto PLC subsidiary) and 45 percent by BHP Copper Inc. (a BHP Billiton PLC subsidiary).
Mining France
Depuis 1902 METAL DEPLOYE® conçoit et fabrique des mailles métalliques dans le domaine de la construction de l’architecture et de l’industrie. METAL DEPLOYE® propose une très large gamme de mailles aux formes aux dimensions et aux finitions variées propres à donner à chaque réalisation un caractère unique et original : Habillage de façade brise-soleil art & design garde-corps plafonds revêtements divers… autant d’applications qui permettent à un projet architectural d’allier fonctionnalité et esthétisme. Nos équipes commerciales et techniques accompagnent les maîtres d’oeuvre dans le choix de nos produits avec le souci constant de répondre aux contraintes de chaque projet. Cette exigence METAL DEPLOYE® sait la mettre aussi au service de l'industrie. Face aux besoins spécifiques de chacun de nos clients nous nous appuyons sur notre forte expérience et notre expertise technique pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre du cahier des charges.
Mining China
Sichuan Sincere & Long-term Complex Material Co. Ltd. founded in 2007 is one factory and subsidiary of the Chinese Fourth largest fiberglass weaving fabric group company-Weibo New Material Group Which is also the Eighth largest of the world. We supply Fiberglass Fabric Products with competitive price and good features including Glass Fibre E-glass Fiber E-Glass Chopped Strand Mat Fiberglass Woven Roving Fiberglass Multi-axial Stitched Fabric Fiberglass Stitched Mat Fiberglass Stitched Combo Mat E-glass Fabrics for Printed Boards. They are widely used in hand lay-up filament winding and compression molding processes. These features make them as excellent reinforcement material for wind turbine industry translucent roofing panel chemical storage tanks FRPpipes boat hulls and decks truck body panel etc.
Mining Germany
Salzgitter AG ranks among the leading steel technology groups with € 9 billion in external sales a crude steel capacity of 7 million tons and a workforce of 25 000 employees. It is one of Europe's largest steel producers and the global market leader in the large-diameter pipes business. The Group operates cutting-edge and resource-efficient production sites in Germany and abroad. It consists of more than 200 subsidiary and holding companies and headed by Salzgitter AG is structured as a holding comprising the five business units of Strip Steel Plate/Section Steel Trading Energy and Technology. The product portfolio includes a wide variety of strip steel products beams heavy plate as well as seamless and welded tubes in all dimensions. Furthermore Salzgitter AG manufactures processed products for the automotive and construction industries. The Technology Business Unit comprises several specialist machine construction companies including one of the world's leading manufacturers of filling and packaging plants for the beverages food and non-food industry. The share of Salzgitter AG is listed on the MDAX index of Deutsche Börse AG.
Mining India
ARFIN INDIA LIMITED is a Mining and Metals company located in B-302 3rd Floor Pelican House Near Natraj Cinema Ahmedabad Gujarat India.
Mining Canada
Ivanhoe Mines (TSX:IVN) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company advancing three principal projects in Africa: 1) The Kamoa copper discovery in a previously unknown extension of the Central African Copperbelt in the Democratic Republic of Congo's southern Katanga province. Members of the Ivanhoe Mines exploration team recently received the prestigious Thayer Lindsley Award from the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada for the Kamoa copper discovery recognized as the year's top international mineral discovery. 2) A multi-phased mine development on its 64%-owned Platreef discovery of platinum palladium nickel copper gold and rhodium in South Africa's Bushveld Complex. The South African beneficiaries of a broad-based black economic empowerment structure have a 26% stake in the Platreef Project and the remaining 10% is owned by a Japanese consortium of ITOCHU Corporation; Japan Oil Gas and Metals National Corporation; ITC Platinum Development Ltd. an ITOCHU affiliate; and Japan Gas Corporation. 3) The historic high-grade Kipushi zinc copper and germanium mine also on the Copperbelt in the D.R. Congo's Katanga province. Kipushi now being drilled and upgraded by Ivanhoe following its acquisition of a majority interest in the mine in 2011 was operated by previous owners between 1924 and 1993.
Mining South Africa
EVRAZ Highveld is a South African based vertically integrated iron ore steel and vanadium slag producer listed on the JSE trading under the symbol EHS. The majority of EVRAZ Highveld's issued shares are held by Mastercroft Limited a subsidiary of the FTSE100-listed EVRAZ plc one of the world’s largest vertically integrated steel and mining businesses with operations in Russia Ukraine USA Canada Italy Czech Republic and South Africa. EVRAZ Highveld's operations based in Roossenekal in Limpopo and eMalahleni in Mpumalanga employ some 2 303 people and contribute materially to the local communities in which they are based. EVRAZ Highveld is a major contributor to global vanadium feedstock production and is in addition to being the second largest steel producer in South Africa with a capacity of 900 000 tons of cast steel per annum also the primary producer of medium and heavy structural sections and ultra-thick plate in the country. Marketing of vanadium production into the European market is supported through Hochvanadium Holding AG a wholly-owned Austrian-based subsidiary. MAPOCHS Mine Proprietary Limited is a subsidiary operation of EVRAZ Highveld. The titaniferous magnetite ore open-cast mining operation is located 140 kilometres north-east of eMalahleni and produces both lump and fines iron ore. Ore fines are marketed to third parties whilst the lump ore is transported to the Steelworks. The STEELWORKS the eMalahleni-based operating division of the Company comprises an iron production facility and a steel making facility with casters a vanadium slag crushing plant structural products rolling complex and a flat products rolling complex. In addition 21 support divisions provide various support services to the operations.
Mining United States
Ur-Energy is a dynamic junior mining company operating the Lost Creek in-situ recovery (ISR) uranium facility in south-central Wyoming. The Lost Creek processing facility has a two million pounds per year physical design capacity. Shirley Basin our newest project is one of the Pathfinder Mines assets we acquired in 2013. Baseline studies necessary for permitting and licensing of the project are currently being advanced. Ur-Energy engages in uranium mining and recovery operations with activities including acquisition exploration development and operation of uranium mineral properties. Shares of Ur-Energy trade on the NYSE MKT under the symbol “URG” and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “URE'. In addition Ur-Energy’s project pipeline is supported by an extensive valuable exploration database and intensive analysis programs providing for great exploration and development potential.
Mining Canada
We’re a dynamic team of over 150 employees focused on delivering high quality engineering construction procurement and management solutions both locally and internationally. From Canadian diamond mines to gold and silver mines in Central America our work transcends global borders. We take projects from the early conceptual vision right through every stage of planning and development until we hand you the keys to a fully operational business. Bring us your mining start-up and resource development challenges and we’ll take them on delivering on time without harm and on budget. What sets JDS apart from the crowd We invest in what we design and build.
Mining United States
For more than 30 years Illini Wire Mill has specialized in the manufacturing of stainless steel wire by drawing and annealing and straightening wire into bars. We stock hundreds of thousands of pounds of stainless wire and have the capacity to produce custom sized stainless steel wire specific to your size requirements. Illini Wire Mill processes stainless steel wire and stainless steel bars and specialty alloy wire used for springs fasteners baskets racks rings wire mesh wire forms flat wire shaped wire bars and so much more. Customers in the aerospace agriculture appliance automotive medical marine food and petrochemical industries rely on Illini Wire Mill to deliver high quality stainless steel wire on time and to specifications. Our large volume of common stainless steel alloys is melted in the USA and other DFARS-compliant countries. We specialize in custom processing stainless steel wire and bars to your size temper and chemistry with quick delivery at competitive prices.
Mining Poland
Walcownia Rur Silesia S.A. jest jednym z najwikszych producentów rur stalowych bez szwu i ze szwem cignionych na zimno w Polsce. Kontynuujemy 170-letni tradycj hutnicz a zdobyte w tym czasie dowiadczenie jest naszym najwikszym atutem. Naszym priorytetem jest planowanie realizowanie i doskonalenie dziaa majcych na celu zagwarantowanie wysokiego stopnia satysfakcji klientów. Stawiamy na intensywny rozwój produkcji podnoszenie wiadomoci projakociowej kompetencji i kwalifikacji zawodowych pracowników. Kierujc si przekonaniem o decydujcej roli klienta dla rozwoju i sukcesu Firmy dokadamy wszelkich stara aby oferowane przez nas produkty speniay najwysze wymagania i oczekiwania klientów.
Mining China
Spezilla Tube Co. Ltd. is a specialty manufacturer of premium quality stainless steel tube nickel alloy tube and other high alloy tubing products that are designed to industry and customer specifications. Our mission is to provide customized flawless reliable and affordable corrosion resistant steel tubing to the world. Standards: ASTM A213 A249 A268 A269 A270 A312 A358 A789 A790 EN10216-5 EN10217-7 EN10357 etc. Materials: Stainless Steel Duplex Super Duplex Nickel Alloys. Grades: 304/304L 316/316L 321 316Ti 310/310S 317L 904L 254SMO S31803 S32750 400 600 625 825 C22 C276 B2 B3 etc. Size Range: O.D. 0.188'' - 4'' (4.775mm - 101.6mm) W.T. 0.016'' - 0.120'' (0.41mm - 3.05mm) Types: Seamless Welded Welded & Drawn. Finishes: As Welded Polished Annealed & Pickled Bright Annealed. Markets we serve: Oil and Gas Exploration Power Generation Heat Exchanger Beverage Automative Distribution OEM Spezilla appreciates the opportunity to help you with your questions about our operations our products our services or any other aspect of our business. Please contact us [email protected]
Mining United States
Alliance Steel is a privately owned and operated flat rolled steel service center with several location in the Midwest and Mid-south. With strategic locations advanced steel processing equipment along with its strong core values Alliance Steel has grown to one of the country’s top service centers.
Mining Brazil
A TEXA ALUMÍNIO é uma empresa especializada na produção de perfis extrudados de alumínio utilizando ligas de aluminio adequada às necessidades e especificações de cada segmento de mercado conforme norma ABNT. A constante procura por elevados padrões de qualidade conduz-nos à melhoria significativa da nossa atividade baseada em forte desempenho profissional rigor técnico e utilização de avançadas tecnologias para que possamos oferecer respostas e soluções às necessidades e anseios dos nossos clientes. Por ser detentora de altíssima tecnologia e automação a Texa transfere para seus produtos excelente qualidade preços competitivos e ótimo grau de atendimento aos mais variados segmentos do mercado. Nossa missão é superar as expectativas e necessidades de nossos clientes ser a melhor empresa no mercado em que atuamos e contribuir de forma ética com nossos colaboradores meio ambiente e a sociedade.
Mining Chile
Harris Gómez Group is an Common Law-Latin American legal and business advisory firm located in Santiago Chile Bogota Colombia and Sydney Australia. In 2001 HGG was the first Australian law firm to have a local office in Latin America. The firm specialises in Common Law and Latin American cross-border issues in areas such as Mining and Energy Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Tax Intellectual Property and Business Enterprises. With over 22 years of experience immersed in the respective legal and business cultures of Australia and Latin America we create a seamless bridge between the two regions and have become an essential partner to many multinational enterprises.
Mining Chile
CAZESALUD es una Empresa especialista en evaluaciones de salud ocupacional de la ciudad de Antofagasta. Ponemos a su disposición toda nuestra experiencia y conocimientos para brindarles un servicio con los más altos estándares de calidad y confiabilidad en tiempo real y oportuno. Mediante tecnologías de punta junto a un equipo de gran capacidad profesional y talento humano que permite contribuir y potenciar los requerimientos de cada uno de nuestros clientes. QUE NOS DIFERENCIA •Realizamos todas las baterías de exámenes Preocupacionales y Ocupacionales. •Entregamos nuestros informes en el día. •Trabajamos en todas nuestras baterías de exámenes bajo estándares de mutualidad. •Valores competitivos de mercado. •Realizamos exámenes de detección y control de consumo de alcohol y drogas de abuso en trabajadores. •Exámenes de manipuladores de alimentos. •Exámenes psicosensométricos para conductores. •Tenemos integrado en nuestras dependencias nuestro propio laboratorio clínico lo cual agiliza nuestros tiempos de entrega de informes. •Modificamos nuestras baterías de exámenes según requerimiento de cada empresa.
Mining Australia
Exact Mining Services is highly regarded for its work in open pit mining quarry management and civil construction drill and blast crushing and screening bulk earthworks ore handling road construction ore haulage and rail loading concrete and shotcrete tailings dam construction and maintenance on highway haulage overburden removal site rehabilitation and camp construction. Our fleet of heavy earthmoving equipment is state of the art giving us the flexibility to undertake specialised projects and the capacity to exceed contractual requirements. Exciting career opportunities exist for hard working people with excellent career progression. At Exact Mining Services we believe in promoting from within and providing the experience and training to help you achieve your goals. We are an equal opportunity employer.
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